Lorelai’s Second Birthday Party


January 14, 2022

In most posts I mention how much each session means to me, and that’s always true, but this one in particular has a very special place in my heart. My amazing daughter Lorelai turned two last year, and we created the most magical birthday party to celebrate her!


From the cookies to the donuts to the cake, this birthday party is going to be a tough one to top! Every last detail was perfect: the place settings were incredible; the signs were elegant yet fun; the flowers and bouquets were bright and beautiful. Lorelai had a blast in the custom ball-pit and loved having the lit-up marquee number two. 

A very heartfelt thank you to all my friends who made this possible. I am so lucky to work in a community that is truly so amazing and will always show up for me, and my family. I truly love you all. Thank you again for helping make this party so amazing. 


China Good Stuff China | Cookies Heart Land Cookie Co. | Coordination Let’s Parte | Signage Script Your Event | Flowers Solstice Floral Studio | Ball Pit The Party Trend | Marquee Alpha Lit KC | Cake Water to Wheat Cakery | Donuts Donutology   |  Charcutier board Blush Farms 


An open letter to my first child, my daughter, my baby girl




You are brave.

You are fearless.

You are incredible.


You are going to change the lives of everyone around you whether they wanted it to change or not. You are strong, independent, and know exactly what you want. To some in your life, they will see that as a downfall, as something that needs to be “fixed” but baby girl, listen to me. Do not listen to those people. They just cannot handle you, and you are not meant to be handled. You are meant to be free.


From the moment I met you, you have been this sweet, spunky, sassy little thing. It’s hard to explain, but man even at 5 days old you were showing how big of a soul you had. I cannot wait to watch you grow into everything you will be. It’s the greatest honor to watch, guide, and care for a soul. To help it get to their path, then eventually let go to let you do your own thing. Then be there when you need guidance, or a friend to talk to.


I love you. There is nothing is this world that will ever make me stop loving you. Always remember that. Always remember you can come to me when you need anything in the world. I am your biggest supporter and your truest friend.


You have changed me Lorelai. And it was for the better. I am better person, wife, entrepreneur, and friend. You have taught me so much for only be 2 years old. You coming into my life was not only was life changing, but incredible.  I wanted to be better and to do better. For my health, for you, for my family. I changed a lot of habits. I worked on myself a lot to be kinder, more patient. I spent endless hours researching what I truly believe is the best parenting ways for raising a fearless, brave, and independent child. You turned my world upside. And I thank you and God every day for doing so.


I am so proud to be your mom. There are literally no words to describe the feeling of how proud I am.



I love you.





  1. […] has been so amazing. I have really enjoyed motherhood after bringing him into the world. I love you Lorelai .. but seriously, I had no idea what I was doing. Bringing in Korben definitely salvaged my ideas […]

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"We were so impressed that you stayed on time the entire three day event. We are also so impressed that you did exactly what you said you were going to do with the client on your timeline."


PHOTO BY Ashley ice photography