Gorgeous Spring Family Photoshoot | The Ice Family


April 22, 2020

I never knew I would be counting times in weeks as much as I do as a new mom. 

It still feels like yesterday we brought her home from the hospital … and now she is 20 weeks old.

Time is flying by way too quickly and I need it to slow down. I personally need to slow down to enjoy her more.

New things about Lorelai:
1. She has discovered her feet!
2. She loves to make high pitch screeching noises.. and it drives her dad nuts!
3. When I walk into a room where she is at she freaks out, in a good way. She throws her arms up in the arm, giggles, screeches, and dances. It makes my mommy heart so happy.
4. Her and her dad love to make fart noises with their mouths, ha.
5. The dogs are not enjoying the “baby” pets… it’s more like pokes in the eye and hair grabs. I keep telling them I am working on it, but I do not think they trust me! haha!


Spring has never been so gorgeous since I moved to Kansas City.

The trees are going on three weeks with blooms on them.

The weather has been amazing, except the few times it decided to rain or be a little chilly.

I am enjoying this season more than ever because this is the first spring I am a mom. What a joyous feeling this is.

I am enjoying walks around the neighborhood. Sitting outside in the sun playing with Lorelai. I am just soaking up all the littleness she is right now.



  1. Shirley Sheridan says:

    Ashley Ice Photography is so awesome ^-^
    Dad, you have never looked more handsome & joyous
    Lorelai, you are just adorable and precious, no wonder you now hold your parents enthralled
    Mom, you have never looked more beautiful nor content nor happier
    The Ice Household Rocks
    I look forward to enjoying more unique productions
    Granma Shirley

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"We were so impressed that you stayed on time the entire three day event. We are also so impressed that you did exactly what you said you were going to do with the client on your timeline."


PHOTO BY Ashley ice photography